
LoadMate Blog

Welcome to the LoadMate Blog - your comprehensive resource for in-depth insights into vehicle towing capacity reviews, caravanning, and towing safety. We provide practical tips and tricks for your journeys, and of course, detailed guides on how to make the most of the LoadMate app
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Getting Started With LoadMate
Towing Safety
Vehicle Towing Guides

LoadMate User Guide - Section 8: Adding your caravan loads

Join us in the eighth segment of our ten-part onboarding series as we guide you through adding caravan loads in LoadMate. From categorising loads along the length, width, and height of your caravan, to tracking net movements since the weight report date, discover how LoadMate simplifies and enhances your weight management. Whether you're working with a brand-new caravan or adapting existing weight checks, this post explores how LoadMate is designed to adapt to your specific needs. Don't miss out on understanding your load distribution better and ensuring a safe and balanced caravan adventure!

LoadMate User Guide - Section 9: Linking your weight checks

This guide provides you with insights on how to manage professional weigh check reports on LoadMate. With the platform, you can efficiently record, edit, and link loads to ensure your vehicle and caravan maintain proper load distribution and remain compliant.

🚐 The Top 10 Caravanning Oversights – Are You Unknowingly Making These Mistakes?

Embarking on a caravan journey offers unparalleled freedom and the thrill of exploration. But it's not without its learning curve. Dive into 10 common mistakes made during caravanning – from misunderstood weight distribution to undervalued maintenance. Whether you're new or seasoned, this guide serves as a valuable checklist to ensure a smoother journey. Plus, discover how LoadMate aims to simplify the complexities of caravanning, offering tools and guidance to make every adventure safe and delightful.

Braked Towing Capacity: A Guide, Not a Green Light

Explore the comprehensive nuances of towing capacity, an aspect often glossed over by many vehicle owners. Beyond the surface-level numbers, there's a realm of critical considerations that contribute to safe, efficient, and optimised towing. This guide delves into the fundamental principles, unique challenges faced by Australian caravanners, and the comprehensive factors affecting towing, ensuring you're well-informed and ready for your next adventure.